Monday, September 14, 2015

Success and Happiness

At a dinner with my friend Dwayne I confided with him I was overwhelmed with my new business.

When you start out in your business and do crazy things or experiment and it works or doesn't, who cares. There's no one to watch you fall, you're just playing around without expectations.

One of my favorite quotes recently relates to this expression, it's from Steve Jobs.

"The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again.

This is so true.

The more we add expectations the more others expect of us.

My good buddy Adam says it well about that process:

"Many successful people stop doing the things that made them successful."

That is so true, we succeed when we do what's in our hearts. We prevent failure by learning from those who failed before us.

The first few companies I started completely failed because I didn't know what I was doing. In hindsight, the ideas were great, a vacation rental company and a cupcake catering company, but I made too many mistakes, like not charging enough, or not listening to my customers.

It wasn't until I began learning the most common mistakes new business owners make, and avoiding them that I began to succeed.

This book helped me learn which mistakes to avoid and allowed me to succeed in doing what was in my heart:

This book gave me inspiration to keep going when things seemed darkest:


And this free ebook helped me in my daily life, keeping me motivated, inspired and walking the proper path.

Product Details
This quote from Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and worth around $85 billion is part of my bible now:

"Its fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."

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