Sunday, July 17, 2016

Your Move of the Week, Stop Choking Yourself + Deload to Reload

The latest health and training tips you need from Halevy Life!

Your Move of the Week and More!
This week, we learn a better way to perform the overhead press, and how to make the most of those times in the gym in which you feel like you just don't have it going for you.
A Better Way to Press Overhead

This overhead pressing variation puts you in a position that makes it extremely difficult to arch your back and do it wrong, which makes it a great exercise for those who want to press safely and effectively!

Learn what, why & how now!

Jeff Halevy now!

Watch now!

There will be days and weeks when can't perform your best in the gym. Here's how to (scientifically) make the most of them.

Read now!

Can wearing a mask really help you train better?

Find out now!
Halevy Life | (212) 233-0633 | |

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