Thursday, June 25, 2009

Shooting! Know someone who needs help?

As many of you know, we're about to start shooting a show on my life coaching
practice (though I still call it personal coaching!).

The show will focus on virtually overnight transformations using advanced rapid-change technologies, like Neuro-linguistic Programming.

We are about to start casting, but before the official call I wanted to personally reach out to you and ask if you know of anyone at a point in their life where serious problems -- substance abuse/depression/chronic over-eating/etc -- are preventing them from living a happy, fulfilling life, and putting them in a position of potential major loss -- a marriage/job/etc -- or their life.

If you know anyone who MUST change NOW, who can't go on much longer the way they currently are, please reach out to me and let me know.

Jeff Halevy

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