Thursday, July 16, 2009

KILL Yourself to Get in Shape Fast: The Second Secret Pillar of Fitness

Those of you who have been following already know the first principle that 99% of us can use to transform our bodies seemingly overnight: KISS (those who don't, scroll down!). The second principle of KISS, KILL, HIIT®, detailed in my upcoming book, is one that is going to shock many of you, seem counterintuitive, and go against everything you've ever read in popular fitness magazines, even heard from your doctor -- but then again, would you like to rely on fitness magazines or actual scientific research when it comes to your body...?

KILL: Keep It Low & Large

The days of high-rep “pump sets” are coming closer and closer to an end. Whether your aim is building strength, muscle density (and bone – you’ll thank yourself in your 70’s!), or elevating metabolism and getting “caloric afterburn,” low rep sets – anywhere from 4-8 reps depending on skill level – at a relatively heavy weight should be your game plan.

In recent years, study after study has indicated the overwhelming benefits of lifting relatively heavy weights, regardless of goals; from women and the elderly to those training for hypertrophy (many bodybuilding icons like Reg Park and Bill Starr swore by low rep methods).

AP photo

Fred Glass, 72, lifts a barbell weighing 315 pounds in the basement gym of his Allentown, Pa., home.

“Large” here also refers to they type of movements you should be performing. Again, depending on goals and the amount of time you have, most people will benefit from ‘large,’ compound movements, meaning that more than one muscle is necessary to perform the movement; such as presses (chest and shoulder), squats and deadlifts. You should notice some overlap with the movements outlined in this principle and KISS – it’s not by chance!

Jeff Halevy

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