Monday, July 6, 2009

KISS, KILL, HIIT®: The Three Secret Pillars to Fitness

Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be sharing the some of the basic principles of my fitness philosophy from my upcoming book, due out next year. I'm going to kick it off with three SUPER-EASY-TO-REMEMBER principles that 99% of us can use to transform our bodies seemingly overnight: KISS, KILL, HIIT®. So, without further ado, here's the first!

KISS: Keep It Simple & Standing

Unless you’re an elite-level bodybuilder who “needs” to hit a muscle from every conceivable angle (and I do question that “need”), keep your movements simple. There are only so many ways that our joints can move – and every conceivable exercise movement variation comes down to the few simple ways a joint can move. So don’t waste your time with that so-exotic-looking-it-must-be-great biceps curl your buddy showed you – stick with a straightforward movement: a curl – barbell or dumbbell.

And stand. Why? For most of us, it is in our best interest to recruit the assisting and stabilizing capabilities of the body to increase our real world strength (life happens on your feet, not a padded seat, right?); burn maximal calories and fat in our time at the gym (more muscle working = more calories burned); and train our core – yes, work on a six pack – to support our movements. Any movement performed standing is going to challenge the core muscles.

Good examples of keeping it simple and standing are military presses; bent over barbell rows; deadlifts and squats.

Jeff Halevy

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