Sunday, October 16, 2016

Your Move of the Week and more from Halevy Life

The latest health and training tips you need from Halevy Life!

Your Move of the Week and More!
This week, find out how to build even more shoulder stability in the Turkish get-up and what we really mean when we say "brace your core." It has to do with more than just abs!
What it Really Means to Use Your Abs

Brace yourselves...literally and figuratively. In this article we dive into what the core actually is, and what we really mean when we say things like "use your abs" or "brace your core." A lot of knowledge and important points are covered in the blog, so be sure to check it out!

Turning the Turkish Get-up Upside-down

The TGU is one of our favorite exercises. For this week's move, flipping the kettlebell upside-down on the TGU adds an element of instability for the shoulder and keeps you honest. Best not to rush through this one!

Read about it here!
Halevy Life | (212) 233-0633 | |

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