Sunday, September 4, 2016

Your Move of the Week and more from Halevy Life!

The latest health and training tips you need from Halevy Life!

Your Move of the Week and More!
This week, Workout From Within, learn how to master the Turkish Get-up, as well as how to build rotational strength the right way. Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend!

The final season of Jeff's show, Workout from Within with Jeff Halevy just entered it's fifth and final season. The show airs in over 30 countries in over 10 languages!

Train the Core: The Right Way

Learn how to build anti-rotation strength and core stability with this week's move, Remember that you must resist rotation first to rotate correctly eventually! 

Read about it here!
How to Master the Turkish Get-up

On the topic of core strength, earlier this summer we actually wrote about the Turkish Get-up, one of our favorite exercises. Here's a step by step guide to doing this complicated exercise the right way!

Check it out here!

Halevy Life | (212) 233-0633 | |

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